Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Back to the Blog!

It has been a horrendously long time since I wrote on here! So much has happened in the intervening month-and-a-bit, so I apologise. I'm afraid my November-based absence is down to a vague attempt to complete National Novel Writing Month, combined with a set of professional exams at the end of November. As it happens, I failed to complete my 50,000 word novel and I think probably managed to fail an exam as well, so my abandonment was entirely pointless; I might as well have just kept blogging! Additionally I am not assisted by changed to blogger which mean that it no longer works at all with faintly elderly versions of Internet Explorer, which means that I can no longer post updates during my lunch hour at work.

Anyway, many and greater updates must wait for another day, alas - however, I can share the exciting news that I am currently scheduled to have another bout of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery on the 15th January.

Yes, that is only just over a month away! But more on that some other time...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! Hopefully it wasn't feeling like crap that did for the novel. Sending happy thoughts your way for the New Year xx
