It has been a horrendously long time since I wrote on here! So much has
happened in the intervening month-and-a-bit, so I apologise. I'm afraid
my November-based absence is down to a vague attempt to complete
National Novel Writing Month, combined with a set of professional exams
at the end of November. As it happens, I failed to complete my 50,000
word novel and I think probably managed to fail an exam as well, so my
abandonment was entirely pointless; I might as well have just kept
blogging! Additionally I am not assisted by changed to blogger which
mean that it no longer works at all with faintly elderly versions of
Internet Explorer, which means that I can no longer post updates during
my lunch hour at work.
Anyway, many and greater updates must wait for another day, alas -
however, I can share the exciting news that I am currently scheduled to
have another bout of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery on the 15th
Yes, that is only just over a month away! But more on that some
other time...
Welcome back! Hopefully it wasn't feeling like crap that did for the novel. Sending happy thoughts your way for the New Year xx